Mary Beth Morrissey


Academic Interests: Sociology of Friendship, Gender, and Family

Dissertation Committee: Laura Tach (chair), Benjamin Cornwell, Sharon Sassler, Ellen Lamont (Appalachian State University)


Day, Elizabeth, Brittany Mihalec-Adkins, Mary Beth Morrissey, Francesca Vescia and Laura Tach. 2023. “I was a soccer mom – high or not”: The Intersecting Roles of Parenting and Recovery.” Family Relations. 72(4): 1827-1844.

Tach, Laura, M.B. Morrissey, E. Day, F. Vescia. and B. Mihalec-Adkins. 2022. “Experiences of Trauma-Informed Care in a Family Drug Treatment Court.” Social Service Review. 96(3): 465-506. 

Day, E., Juliana Garcia, Erin Mathios, and M.B. Morrissey. 2020. “Benefits of Incorporating the Strengthening Families Program into Family Drug Treatment Court Services.” Journal of Extension 58(5): v58-5rb2.
