Hometown: Wooster, OH
Current location: Albany, NY
Education: BA (Cornell, '03, Sociology) and Ph.D. (Cornell, '11, Sociology)
Current Job Title & Employer: Psychometrician, New York State Education Department
What inspired you to pursue your degree in Sociology? I wanted to understand the relationship between social class, race/ethnicity, and educational inequality.
How has your Sociology degree helped you in your career? I apply my training daily, whether analyzing performance outcomes of NYS students, identifying schools in need of support/interventions, or proposing policy changes with NYSED leadership.
Is there a Cornell Sociology class you took that was particularly impactful/ stuck with you? A memorable professor? Stephen Morgan's course on Educational Inequality and Counterfactuals
What are some things you like most about your job? The diversity of my colleagues' backgrounds lends to very thoughtful conversations.
What is something you find difficult about your job? Communication from the state to districts, educators, and communities can always been improved. We all have the same goal but sometimes speak different languages.
Any advice on how to transition from college life/ grad school life to “real” life? Always remember what led you to study sociology.