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Cornell University


Mabel Berezin speaking at sociology fall party

A message from the Chair

Dear Sociology Community!


I write as Interim Chair to welcome you to a new academic year in Uris Hall.  Being “interim” has made me think a lot about “transitions” in and out of institutional roles as well as the beginning of an exciting new year.  


First, I want to thank Ben Cornwell for all the hard work he did as Chair of Sociology for the last four years!  Ben is enjoying a well-deserved sabbatical.  Looking forward!  In January, we will welcome Laura Tach back from her sabbatical and she will assume the role of Department Chair for the next three years.  We have a new Dean in the Arts College, Peter John Loewen, who is beginning the hard work of getting to know us all.  I have met him and look forward to his leadership.   


In the meanwhile, we have others to welcome who are with us in Sociology now.  First, Jan Gerrit Voelkel, who completed his Ph.D. at Stanford last spring. He is joining us as a Post Doctoral Fellow, and next fall, will assume the role of Assistant Professor, jointly appointed in the Brooks School and the Sociology Department.  We also welcome Conor Gordin-Rhone, who is the Department's new IT Support person.  Conor sits in Room 326.  Drop in and say hello!  In addition, we have a wonderful cohort of eight new graduate students and two visiting scholars, Renee Luthra and Kyle Siler.  They will be sitting in rooms 379 and 324 respectively. Drop in and say hello!!  


We have a vibrant colloquium series lined up for this academic year.  Our intrepid communications and programming assistant and newsletter designer Carrie D'Aprix  has included recent Department accomplishments and upcoming events in this newsletter.  To borrow from current political jargon, I hope you are all “fired up and ready to go” as we begin the new academic year!  I know that I am! 




Mabel Berezin

Interim Department Chair

Distinguished Professor of Arts & Sciences in Sociology 

Director of the Institute for European Studies 

From the College

Peter Loewen

Peter Loewen named dean of Arts and Sciences

Coming from the University of Toronto, where he was the director of the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, Loewen began his five-year appointment as the Harold Tanner Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Aug. 1.

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New Faces in the Department!

eight graduate students

New Cohort left to right: Mary, Simon, Jocelyn, Eliza, Camron (behind), Wanru, Emma, Shuhan (upfront)

Beautiful Weather for the Annual Fall Welcome Party 

people seated at welcome party
people seated at welcome party

Alumnus Spotlight

Cornell Soc Alumnus Spotlight

Cornell Soc Alumnus Spotlight

John J. Macionis's passion for Sociology began at Cornell, where he earned his Bachelor's degree in 1970.

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An Outstanding Faculty Accomplishment

Prof. Schnabel selected to be a PRRI Public Fellow

Prof. Schnabel selected to be a PRRI Public Fellow

Landon Schnabel is one of 15 interdisciplinary scholars, selected from 90 qualified candidates. Public fellows will learn to more effectively engage general audiences.

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Grad Student Accomplishments

Rosche (Ph.D.) wins ASA Mathematical Sociology Section's Outstanding Paper Award

Rosche (Ph.D.) wins ASA Mathematical Sociology Section's Outstanding Paper Award

Benjamin Rosche’s paper advances recent high-profile work on socioeconomic segregation in friendship networks.

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Grad Student Research Spotlight

Grad Student Research Spotlight

Ph.D. student Juhwan Seo received several awards for his recent paper.

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Ph.D. Student named Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Research Scholar

Ph.D. Student named Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Research Scholar

Shio Lim’s research focuses on reproductive decision making in uncertain times.

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2nd year Ph.D. Student Awarded Soros Fellowship

2nd year Ph.D. Student Awarded Soros Fellowship

Eugene Lee is one of 30 selected for the Soros Fellowship in 2024, out of a pool of 2,323 applicants.

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Undergraduate Student Accomplishments

		Alicia González

'Having the opportunity to make your voice heard is essential to democracy'

Alicia González is a sociology major.

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		Tamara Frith

'I learned how to translate theoretical concepts into practical policy interventions'

Tamara Frith is a sociology major.

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		two people working behind a computer

Nexus Scholars study climate change inequality and infant language learning

The program provides undergraduates with summer opportunities to conduct research with and be mentored by faculty from across the college.

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Reproductive Rights

		Inside a legistative chamber, seats circling a central podium

France’s abortion rights vote sets potential ‘worldwide precedent’

France is the first county in the world to include a right to an abortion in its constitution, underscoring the role of culture, religion and secular governance in the preservation and progress of individual freedoms, says sociologist Landon Schnabel.

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		Low building with a domed roof and columns

Florida ruling ‘deviates from the more moderate views’ held by most Americans

Professor Landon Schnabel: “The Florida Supreme Court's seemingly contradictory abortion rulings—allowing a six-week ban while permitting voters to decide on a constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights up to viability—reveal the tension between conservative courts and the popular will in d...

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Contemporary Political Analysis

		Surprise - French Flag

Populism Expert: Macron miscalculated badly

Prof. Mabel Berezin, an expert on international populism, comments on the results of Macron’s calling snap elections.

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Student walks on Arts Quad in fall

Youth vote factoring heavily in French elections

In Sunday's election, Marine Le Pen's National Rally party was thwarted, but she will live to fight another day, says Cornell populism expert Mabel Berezin.

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		Three vertical stripes of color: blue, white and red

Far-Right: The crisis itself or the result?

Institute for European Studies director Mabel Berezin joined Dora Mengüç (Dora Reports) before France's high-stakes parliamentary elections to discuss Europe's shift to the right.

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		French flags flying

Snap elections a ‘political mistake’ for Macron

Sociologist Mabel Berezin comments on France's political leaders scrambling to prepare for snap elections.

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		three people talking

Panel explores rise of nationalism across the globe

Cornell faculty and alumni took part in a wide-ranging discussion focused on nationalism around the world during a March 26 New York City event featuring NPR media correspondent David Folkenflik ’91, the Zubrow Distinguished Visiting Journalist in the College of Arts & Sciences.

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		Marine Le Pen in a short white dress facing the audience, standing at a podium that says "Viva24"

New European ‘strongmen’ are women, gender where similarities end

Sociologist Mabel Berezin comments on the upcoming election for members of the European Parliament,

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Health & Technology

Investing in Digital Literacy to Better the Health of America's Seniors

Investing in Digital Literacy to Better the Health of America's Seniors

Connectivity is a crucial first step toward digital equity, but to make internet access useful, digital literacy training will be critical for the populations deprived of regularly engaging online.

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		Hands working on a laptop computer

Most people trust accurate search results when the stakes are high

Using experiments with COVID-19 related queries, researchers found that in a public health emergency, most people pick out and click on accurate information.

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Timely Topics

		Man with mustache leaning close to sleeping baby wearing pink knitted ears

How girls fare when only a son will do

“Gender plays out in many different ways across the world...even when both spouses agree on wanting more sons than daughters, this isn’t consistently correlated with girls getting less education," said sociologist Vida Maralani.

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A Letter to the NYT editor re: Population Decline

A Letter to the NYT editor re: Population Decline

Dr. Alaka Basu pushes back on Kumar’s idea that we should be worried about population decline.

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Upcoming Social Science Events:

Friday, September 20 - 12:00-1:15PM 2250 MVR

Jennifer Candipan (Brown), CPC


Friday, September 27 - 12:00-1:00PM, Location TBA

Jennifer Beam Dowd (Oxford), CAPS Syracuse


Friday, September 27 - 3:00-4:15PM, Location TBA

Haowen Zheng (Cornell Ph.D. candidate), SOC


Friday, October 4 - 12:00-1:15PM, 2250 MVR

Jennifer Barber (Indiana), CPC & CSI (co-sponsor)


Friday, October 18 - 3:00-4:15PM, Location TBA

Juhwan Seo (Cornell Ph.D. candidate), SOC


Friday, October 25 - 10:30-3:00PM, Location TBA

Lisa Berkman (Harvard), Keynote for Annual CAPS conference


Friday, November 1 - 12:00-1:15PM, 2250 MVR

Christina Cross (Harvard), CPC & CSI (co-sponsor)


Thursday, November 7 - 3:00-4:30PM, G08 Uris Hall

Richard E. Ocejo (John Jay College), CPC


Wednesday, November 30 - 3:00-4:30PM, Location TBA

Alejandro Portes (Princeton), CSES


Friday, December 6 - 3:00-4:15PM, G08 Uris Hall

Nate Breznau (University of Bremen), SOC

The College of Arts & Sciences


323 Uris Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
United States
